Joining illuminati; the requirements, sacrifices & prices for fame & riches.




In today’s generation, illuminati is synonymous to riches and fame. This believe has robbed the clandestine society off its original meaning and ideology, thus constructing a structure of make-believe theories on Shakey sandy land.




What is the illuminati?


Illuminates triangle.


The illuminati is a secret society aimed at world enlightenment.



The word, as used in the 15th century was applied to groups of persons who claimed to be unusually ‘enlightened.’ The word illuminati is the plural of the Latin illuminatus which means  revealed or enlightened.



Founded on May 1, 1776, by a Bavarian professor named Adam Weishaupt, The group’s original goal was to promote Enlightenment ideals such as reason, secularism, and also the separation of church and state from each other.



This objectives have since been topics or criticism with many people misinterpreting the concept to mean that the group was set up to claim control of world events and centralize humanity under one control.



These are mere allegations until proven true. However, a lot of scholars believe them to be true and have gone as far as exposing some supposed secrets of the society.




Who is the founder of the Illuminati?

Founder of the illuminati, Adam Weishaupt.

A Bavarian Professor named Adam Weishaupt created the group that has grown into today’s leading secret society with immense worldwide control in the  political, spiritual, religious and other spheres of life.



Born 6 February 1748, Adam was Orphaned at a tender age and raised by Jesuits in Germany. When the Jesuits were chased into Russia the youngster was left behind to take charge of an important position in a university.



Since this was the era of Enlightenment and Adam was an enthusiastic and keen young man, he was curious as to the operations of the freemason’s and other fraternities, the largest being the masons.



Enthusiasm grew into action and Adam Weishaupt started the group as a penetration into the Freemasonry and as an update.



Adam’s methods were pragmatic and affluence oriented. It’s aim was to create a society of persons that could achieve great power, fame and affluence and also be in control of every aspect of he world’s operation.



This involves a society where strings are being pulled by few persons while the rest of the masses only wonder what’s happening






Goals and Objectives Of The Illuminati.

Establishing a new world order: Conspiracy theorists have alleged one of the salient aims of the illuminati group to be the establishment of a new world order.



Under this order a government that would control every aspect of human life will be set up. Micro chips and tech devices will interpose human interactions.



They are believed to manipulate world events, control governments, and influence popular culture to achieve this aim.



According to Cooper, “the illuminati a secret organization of self-styled intellectual elites who work from the shadows to manipulate economies, governments, and religions for their own gain.”



Controlling the governments of the world: The Illuminati has members in every significant economic, political, and religious organization in the modern world.






How to join the Illuminati Brotherhood

Becoming a member of the prestigious and clandestine group is not an exactly direct or straightforward process. It requires many involvements and sacrifices to be made.



While these may not be blood sacrifices, an intending member is still expected to forego certain things and inculcate the doctrine of the society.



The group is said to recruit individuals who possess certain qualities, such as intelligence, influence, and a willingness to work towards the Illuminati’s goals. While there is no official way to join the Illuminati, there are several rumored methods that aspiring members can try:




Seeking out, reading and learning Illuminati Symbols and interpretation: The Illuminati is said to communicate through symbols and imagery. Keeping an eye out for these symbols in popular culture and media could be a way to show your interest in joining the group.



Joining Illuminati groups and Freemason society forum: Another working way one can use to become a member of the illuminati is by registering and joining the society’s forum online. This group allows you access to the society’s activities online and allow you contribute your quota. As a member of the online forum you can apply to be recognized as a bonafide member. The organization will review your application and get back to you if you are found eligible.




Note that the forum is not free. Those that are looking to join may be asked to pay a fee as commitment. This fund covers your membership fee and application form et’al.



Since the illuminati company seeks to recruit people with exceptional talent and intelligence, you need to be able to prove to them your prowess in your desired endeavor.



Artistic prowess: an intending member needs to prove his genius ability to captivate the ruling parties of the illuminati group. This could be in any level. An RnB singer needs to show that he is one of the best of his genre. An afro singer the same thing.



Educational Brilliance and intelligence: the illuminati also look out for persons with exceptional intelligence and brilliance. This is crucial recipe for membership since it is a society for the enlightened and light seekers.



Dark Magic: Like it or not, dark magic is an ingredient of the society. Mysticism is one of the ways the world order is controlled and put in check.



Your understanding of Dark magic can make you an important instrument for use by the illuminati, this making the society imbibe you as a member. Satanism is closely linked to illuminates.



While several stories make vague the ideology of the illuminati group, one thing is for certain; illuminati doesn’t just accept people randomly but seek out the best. To become a bonafide member and get to attend top meetings you need to prove yourself beyond reasonable doubts to be the best or one of the best in your field of life





How to contact the illuminati society for membership application.


Interested people can send a direct email to


The illuminati is a worldwide group. It is a secret society that encapsulates every country of the world. Rumour even has it that this powerful group has even extended it’s tentacles to realms outside our physical world. Well, this is a topic for another day.



Being a universal group, people that are interested in proofing their capabilities to become a member can do so via different means.



Illuminati email address: You can read out with your membership application via email to alert the society of your intentions to be enrolled. Be sure to receive an email within 24hrs telling you what is required. Because of secrecy of the illuminati society, you can’t see the email address publicized carelessly online. Just send an email to




Illuminati phone number: For those who want to have direct conversations can try to reach out on Whatsapp or direct call via the phone numbers below.


Phone Number::: +2348164031701 (Whatsapp Solely)



While on contact, please spell out in clear terms your reasons for reaching out and also state your potential. Also, be mindful of your language so you don’t incur a curse.



Note that you may be asked to present proof of yourself by providing certain documents as evidence.



Zoom Meeting: If you are patient enough to track down the society’s weekly zoom meeting days you can apply to participate. This also gives you an edge into becoming a member of the illuminati society.




Meeting Venues Of The Illuminati.

Secret Bunkers and Lairs: The illuminati meet in clandestine and undisclosed Bunkers deep below the pipelines where they sit in on a circular table to discuss world events and other stuff.



Social media: This clandestine society also has a Whatsapp group and channel for members. This group is splitted into 33 chapters for the various 33 levels of the illuminati. Members are admitted according to their levels.



Spiritual Realms: Believe it or not, every member of the illuminati is a spirited being capable of transcending this realm into another. Because of this ability they can hold meetings in realms that our carnal eyes cannot withhold.



Dreams & Trances: Another fine meeting ground for members of the esteemed cult is via Dreams and being in Trance. Some times when they appear to be sleeping they are actually attending a meeting.




Is the Illuminati real?

Very real. As real as you and I. A Bavarian Professor named Adam Weishaupt created the group. Every single thing in history would’ve never ever happened without the illuminati being part of it all and even the center of it all. So, YES, the illuminati is real.



Basically, the society is the center piece of the universe and we are their puppets.




The group is way powerful than you can imagine and are responsible for a lot of world events both historic, present and those yet to come (revealing the mystical part of the society.)




Some aspects of the life believed to be controlled by the illuminati.

The illuminati are the puppeteers who rule the world and control every sphere of lives and living.



1. Internet : The illuminati control the Internet and filter all the information that we get fed and are allowed to see.





2. Media/Press & entertainment industry: Michael Jackson, Katy Perry, Bieber and Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber & Walt Disney are all linked and associated. This isn’t hidden fact.


3. Governments: The Illu.grp is the highest government body in the world.



4. Police: Being the highest governing body, the police and other military bodies are under the control of this group.


5. Every other aspect of life you can think of: The society is just everywhere and in everything you do.








Supernatural power of illuminati members.

Transformation and Transgender: Members of the illuminati are bestowed with powers to transform as shapeshift into anything, even a log of wood. They can also change their gender at will.




Invisibility: They have the ability to sneak up on you unseen like spirits. This is an aspect of their mystical part.






Illuminati alleged involvement in the 9/11 attack and other Global disasters.

9/11 attack is a significant and symbolic incident. It rhymes with the police department’s emergency number 9-1-1. The illuminati in fact give us clues to planned events way before they happen.



Diseases, epidemic, pandemic and calamity: The illu. seems to be responsible for most of the world’s disease outbreak.






The Illuminati has a way of toying with our consciousness. They are part of our everyday thinking and acting to alter our brain functioning. This group do not want the common man to know what they know and try to manipulate and control our minds. Why do you think there is fake news? To make you believe what the illuminati wants you to believe of course. It’s all part of their new order.




 The illu. society has control of space, gravity, trees, centrifugal forces, weather, movement or the planetary bodies and even time.  Top tier members of the illuminati are even capable to time-travel, i.e to go back in time to alter or change an event.




The Bible is in fact an edited script of the illu. society. It is a bunch of foreign words jumbled up to form stories and talk about imaginary characters like God and Satan. This instills the idea of Good and bad and helps to maintain balance in the world and check people’s excesses to avoid a chaotic society which may affect their mission.




What countries are influenced and under the control of the Illuminati Brotherhood.

The universe is under the control and mercy of this powerful society. The power of this brotherhood cannot be underestimated and stretches even to outter space.







The illuminati is the strongest secret society in the entire world. It has solid control over all facet or human lives and strive to bring about a new world order and change the old course of things. Membership into the society is via excellence and exceptionality.

The illuminati controls every aspect of life on earth and even find ways to manipulate space and other realms. They understand the reasons of existing and call themselves the Enlightened Ones.

You can contact the group via email address or Whatsapp/telegram number.

This article is subject to updating. Stay tuned because more will be talked about here.


I hope you found this article helpful.

Author: Admin
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